- ¼oz#gentian-amaro
- ¼oz#creme-de-menthe
- 2oz#cognac /#brandy
- 2 dashes mint bitters
Shake well (dilution is the point) and serve over large ice.
Stinger variant. Quite nice and a bit more depth than a standard Stinger, but pretty mint-dominated. Try shaving down the amount of menthe.
(update 5 minutes later) Improved after more dilution, maybe shake harder?
Take 2
- 1tsp (⅙oz) crème de menthe
- ¼oz Gentian amaro
- 2oz#bourbon#whiskey (Russell’s Reserve)
- 2 dashes mint bitters
Much nicer. Goes well with the oak, fruit notes of the bourbon. Mint no longer the only taste.